
Arachnophobic’s Nightmare: Swarms of Creepy Male Tarantulas Looking for Love in Western US

According to The Daily Beast, thousands of hairy male tarantulas are emerging from their hidden tunnels in the western US in search of a partner.

From August to October, tarantulas start searching for sexual partners and usually find them close by.

Having found a suitable candidate, the male emits abdominal vibrations and performs ritual dances, which attracts females. They lure hiding females by tapping their paws on the ground.

According to reports, now this annual process is occurring on an abnormally-large scale from northern California to Colorado and Texas.

Tarantula findings have been unusually high this year, according to reports. 

Their most dangerous enemy is other spiders, as the arthropods tend to eat each other. To make the hunt for love more daunting, female tarantulas have been known to snack on their male counterparts, like the female mantis.
