
British PM Johnson Will Hold Talks With EU Commission President Juncker on Monday

Boris Johnson previously stated that he would deliver Brexit on 31 October without asking Brussels for a delay; however, the MPs ruled that the PM can't lead the county out of the EU, without striking a deal with the EU first.

According to Downing Street, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Luxembourg on Monday to discuss Brexit issues amid a standoff between the government and opposition in London. EU spokeswoman Mina Andreeva confirmed the two politicians would have a working lunch.

The head of the UK Cabinet also plans to hold talks with Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel during his trip.

British PM Johnson Will Hold Talks With EU Commission President Juncker on Monday

Meanwhile, Johnson found himself in a deadlock, after his Conservative party lost its majority in the House of Commons.

The politician ordered a suspension of Parliament until 14 October, but the Labour party allied with 21 rebel Tory legislators and managed to approve a bill which prevents a no-deal Brexit scenario.

The country voted to leave the European Union in June 2016, but the withdrawal was delayed several times. Three years after the referendum, London is still in disaccord with Brussels on numerous issues including the Irish border backstop and the need to strike a comprehensive free trade deal.
