
Biden Hits New Low in Democratic Primary Race, Fox News Poll Shows

Democratic voters seem to be keen to vote against US President Donald Trump rather than support one particular candidate, a Fox News poll shows.

Biden captures the support of 29 percent of Democratic primary voters, according to a new Fox News Poll - down 2 points since last month and down 6 points since May, when he was at a high of 35 percent. His current 11-point lead is down from a high of 19 points in June, showing a shift towards a new low in support for the former vice president. 

Sanders has climbed into second with 18 percent (up 8 points since August), followed by Elizabeth Warren at 16 percent (down 4), forming the clearest top three candidate tier seen in the race to date. They are followed by Kamala Harris at 7 percent, Pete Buttigieg at 5 percent, Beto O’Rourke at 4 percent, Cory Booker at 3 percent, and both Andrew Yang and Amy Klobuchar at 2 percent.

The top picks among voters who describe themselves as moderates and conservatives voting in the Democratic primary are Biden (34 percent), Sanders (14 percent), and Warren (9 percent).  Voters who identified themselves as liberals go for Sanders (31 percent), Biden (22 percent), and Warren (20 percent).

Primary voters under age 35 prefer Sanders (35 percent) over Biden (17 percent) and Warren (14 percent).  Those ages 45 and over go even more heavily for Biden (38 percent) over Warren (17 percent) and Sanders (8 percent).

Biden also remains ahead among whites by 7 points (Biden 26, Warren 19, Sanders 16) and non-whites by 13 points (Biden 34, Sanders 21, Warren 11, Harris 9).

According to the survey, Democratic primary voters seem to prioritize supporting the candidate who has the best shot at beating Trump over the candidate they “like the most “(56-31 percent).  42 percent said Biden has the best chance of winning - more than double the 17 percent who say Sanders and more than three times the 12 percent who say Warren.

However, primary voters also prefer a candidate who will take a new approach (49 percent) over one who will build on Obama’s legacy (43 percent), and say backing a candidate who will fundamentally change how the political system works (50 percent) is more important than supporting one who will restore the system to how it was before the Trump administration (46 percent).

The poll was conducted September 15-17, 2019 under the joint direction of Beacon Research and Shaw & Company and includes interviews with 1,008 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide who spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones.
