The official, quoted by the web portal of the English daily The Times of India, said nearly 4,000 files have been discovered so far, contain screenshots of sex chats, videos of naked officers in compromising positions and audio clips from the gang that allegedly hooked a large number of bureaucrats and political leaders from both the ruling Congress Party and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madhya Pradesh.
The official estimated, the list of digital files could total as many as 5,000 as forensic experts are trying to retrieve erased photos and videos from the memory cards of mobiles and laptops.
The Time of India has reported that women as young as 18, often visited an elite club in Bhopal where rooms were booked by senior bureaucrats. “There are inputs that the check-in registers of the clubs are missing and efforts are on to manipulate other records that have images of these girls. This includes CCTV cameras,” said an officer.
The investigative official said, most of the WhatsApp chats suggest sexual relationship were offered in return for favours from these officials and leader
According to reports, one senior police official, who was trapped by the gang, was summoned by the Chief Minister’s office on Tuesday (24 September), following the expose. s.
“The basic line of investigation should be the quid pro quo deals. The officers concerned should be charged under the Prevention of Corruption Act,” said the officer. He said, seeking or accepting sexual favours is treated as bribe under the new anti-corruption law, which attracts a seven-year jail term.