
Thanks, Now You're Under Arrest! Drug Smugglers Save Spanish Police Officers from Drowning - Video

Sometimes, people help you when you are least expecting it, in this case, the criminals being pursued by police acted as good Samaritans and saved the law enforcement officers from drowning - unfortunately for them, they still got busted!

Drug traffickers rescued three Spanish officers of the Spanish Civil Guard off the southern coast of Spain on Friday. According to an official statement, their boat crashed during a high-speed chase after a speedboat "with four suspected drug smugglers on board, thought to be transporting drugs".
Three law enforcement agents fell into the sea, after which police helicopters hovering nearby, urged the escaping speedboat to help the drowning men. Surprisingly, the suspects turned around and rescued the officers, pulling them onto the vessel.


The noble gesture, however, led to the arrest of the traffickers, when police discovered three tonnes of hashish in around 80 bundles, that were thrown out of the boat into the water near the rescue site.
