
Unemployed Man Stalks Japanese Pop Idol Using Her Eye Reflection - Report

Using an image he extracted from the girl’s selfie, the perp then employed Google Street View to identify the location where the picture was taken.

Ena Matsuoka, a 21-year old member of Japanese idol group Tenshi Tsukinukeni Yomi, ended up being attacked and molested by a stalker right outside her apartment in Tokyo after the man managed to track her down using her selfie.

According to Japan Today, the suspect, a 26-year old man with “no fixed occupation” named Hibiki Sato, examined Matsuoka’s selfie she posted online and managed to discover her address by “zeroing in on the image of a train station reflected in her eyes” and then using Google Street View to identify the location.

​The attack reportedly took place on 1 September, when Sato stalked the singer from the train station to her residence where he covered her head with a towel, dragged her to a dark corner and proceeded to molest her, injuring the girl’s face in the process.

The authorities managed to apprehend the suspect on 17 September, and he was indicted earlier this week.
