
Quarter of Germans Admit Having Anti-Semitic Thoughts – Report

BERLIN (Sputnik) - One in four Germans have had negative thoughts about Jews, a study by the World Jewish Congress has found, prompting a call to face anti-Semitism "head-on."

The research was conducted among 1,300 Germans two and a half months ago, long before a gunman shot down two people outside a synagogue in the German city of Halle.

The study, seen by the Sueddeutsche daily, found that 41 percent of those sampled thought German Jews spoke too often about Holocaust and were more loyal to Israel than to their home country.

Around a quarter of respondents said Jews held too much power in the German economy and in the global financial market as well as had too much influence on international politics.

At the same time some 60 percent of those polled admitted that Jews faced an increased risk of verbal or physical attacks, while a third would have agreed to protest against anti-Semitism.

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said the German public should wake up to the threat of spreading anti-Jewish sentiment and do something.

"We've seen what happens when people look away or keep silent. It’s time the entire German community took a stand and faced anti-Semitism head-on," he was quoted as saying.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer called the October 9 shooting in Halle a "shame" for Germany and warned that far-right extremism in the country was on the rise. The gunman has confessed he acted out of anti-Semitic feelings.
