
Russian Prime Minister Inaugurates New Flight Control Centre Via Video Call

The opening of the new air-traffic control centre will lower air navigation costs while boosting throughput capacity and increasing transit potential.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has inaugurated a new consolidated centre for unified air traffic management in Novosibirsk via a video call.

The official grand opening took place on 16 October 2019 within the framework of Medvedev's visit to Ekaterinburg's flight control centre; when Medvedev appeared via video link and ordered the command of the air-traffic control centre to officially assume their duties.

Russian Prime Minister Inaugurates New Flight Control Centre Via Video Call

The new centre is expected to significantly increase the throughput capacity of the region’s airspace, reduce operating costs for air navigation services, centralise air-traffic control functions, and increase the transit potential of Russian airspace.
