
'TRIGGERED': Daddy, Please Love Me' - New York Comedians Change Cover of Trump Jr.'s Book

Customers in a New York bookstore were a bit confused earlier this week, particularly if they had been incomprehensibly intending to buy a book authored by Donald Trump Jr. The covers were switched and differed profoundly with the original.
“Daddy, Please Love Me: How Everything I Do Is Try To Earn My Father’s Love”, a new - and how it later came out - fake jacket met customers on one of the store's shelves.
The comedic duo of Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, known as 'The Good Liars' performed the stunt using Trump Jr.'s recently-released nonfiction book "Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us”, copies of which have also been spotted in the Young Adult fiction section.

The comedians tweeted that they simply sought honesty. “To make it a little more honest [...] You’re welcome, Junior!”.

The author of the book, the son of the current president of the United States, has not reacted nor responded to the joke. In an earlier tweet pushing the book, Trump Jr. described his screed as "a loud message to the liberal elites", claiming that "...This is the book that liberals don’t want you to read or share with others..."

Trump Jr. later went on to claim that the book is meant to take on “the bullsh*t we’ve all seen coming from the mainstream media ... and the great hypocrisy and stupidity coming from the left”, cited by The Hill.