
Turkish Employees at US Consulate in Adana Detained on Charges of Humiliating Islamic Values

A Halloween video by two Turkish staffers at the US Consulate in Adana has recently caused a massive social media outcry, bringing with it accusations of humiliation and mockery of traditional Muslim values that has reportedly led to their detention by police.

Two Turkish employees of the US Consulate in Adana, C.Y. (38) and Ç.G. (30), have been detained by the Adana Security Directorate, allegedly in relation to the publication of a short video mocking Islamic values in the wake of Halloween celebrations.

The video, taken on 31 October and then posted on social media, features several Turkish nationals, with a female Consulate employee posing with a bottle of water, which she claims to have been brought from the Muslim holy site of Mecca.

“Welcome to my channel, friends. As you see, we have been wallowed in sins since morning but do not think that there is no way through which you will get rid of your sins. This drink comes from Mecca, and once you drink this, you get rid of your sins, friends”, Ç.G. said in Turkish, while pointing to a bottle of Zamzam water, which is taken from a well in Mecca and often considered sacred to Muslims.

​She was then joined by her co-worker C.Y., whose full name also remains undisclosed and who is seen in the video dressed in traditional Arabic clothes, while holding a cocktail in his hand and saying “[Drink] this one too”. The woman then reportedly continued by pointing to a plate in his hands that apparently contained pork, while simultaneous making fun of him drinking alcohol.

The video caused a massive backlash on Turkish social media over the alleged humiliation of Islam. The two Consulate employees were then reportedly taken to the Adana Security Directorate about accusations of “public humiliation of religious values” and then released after providing statements to the police, according to the Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office as cited by DHA. The case is reportedly under investigation. 

A spokesperson for the US Embassy in Ankara said in a statement cited by Duvar English that they “deeply regret any action by any members of our staff that would imply disrespect for any religion”.
