
Biden Retakes Lead, Warren Plunges in Democratic Race for US Presidency - Poll

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Former Vice President Joe Biden regained the lead in the Democratic primary race for the US presidency while support for Senator Elizabeth Warren plunged 14 percentage points from October, the latest Quinnipiac University poll revealed.

"Biden receives 24 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic, while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg gets 16 percent, Warren receives 14 percent, and Senator Bernie Sanders gets 13 percent," a press release summarizing the poll said on Tuesday.

In Quinnipiac’s October poll, Warren bested Biden by 28-21 percent, Sanders received 15 percent and Buttigieg 10 percent, the release said.

"Biden is back on top of the pack but now there is a three-way race for second," Quinnipiac Polling Analyst Tim Malloy said in the release."Buttigieg has broken into the top tier, apparently at the expense of Warren, who has taken a dive after being hammered for being too far left on health care and other issues."

Biden continues to dominate on electability, with 46 percent of Democratic voters and Democratic-leaning independents viewing the former vice president as the candidate with the best chance of defeating President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, Quinnipiac said.

Former New York City Mayor Michal Bloomberg, the latest entry in the crowded Democratic race, scored 3 percent, according to the poll.
