
Mysterious Ancient Paintings Discovered in Spanish Caves - Reports

Despite the fact that the era of cave paintings ended a very long time ago, people still find bits and pieces of the ancient time art objects. This time it happened in Spain, where a collection of 5,000-year-old cave paintings were found near Albuquerque, media reported.

A collection of ancient cave paintings were reportedly discovered by a local neighbour, historic researcher Agustín Palomo, in western Spain, near the town of Albuquerque, in the rocky area of San Juan, when he was hunting for an ancient tomb known as a Dolmen. Palomo has been studying and researching this type of cave drawing for many years.

The newly found schematic paintings, which are around 10 centimetres (4 inches) in length, depict various figures and symbols. They include anthropomorphic figures and arrows as well as other symbols, according to La Vanguardia newspaper.

The historic researcher immediately recognized how important his findings were as the drawings were located not far from two other works of cave art - the well-known paintings of the "Risco de San Blas", of the Sierra de la Carava and those of Azagala, the latter of which was discovered around 20 years ago, making the place highly important for scholars and researchers.

During the year, Mr Palomo as well as the other experts have been analysing the unique findings and only now has the discovery become known after the conclusion of their investigations.

These studies will be published in the latest issue of the Journal of Extremeño Studies, which will be presented on Sunday, December 1, at the Casa de la Cultura de Albuquerque.

Last year, researchers from the University of Bergen found an abstract drawing in a cave in South Africa. The discovery predates the artifacts previously believed to be the world's oldest drawing by thousands of years.
