YouTube king from Sweden Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, has spoken out on the explosive scandal over blogger Ethan Klein’s definition of K-pop and its stars as a “little gay fetish”.
“F***ing POS YOURE TRASH! Speak bad of kpop and bts again and army will WALK ALL OVER YOU!” he posted on Twitter.
[Warning! Obscene language]
Klein, better known online as h3h3productions, has faced backlash over a monologue in one of his podcasts, in which he does not “get” K-pop and its idols, BTS.
“How did this become a thing in western culture? All grown men and little girls are jerking off to little k-pop boys. It’s like a little fetish, a little twink gay fetish about these k-pop boys”, he said.
The video prompted an avalanche of critical comments, as some branded his assumption racist. Many shared their contempt under the hashtag #h3h3isoverparty, which is now trending on Twitter.
Others were critical about his sexualising an entire industry.
However, others stood up for the blogger, joining the campaign #h3h3isnotoverparty.
Klein decided to fight back against the accusations, as well, and shamed K-pop fans for overreacting to his joke.
“Lighten up nerds, if you can't handle your hobby being made fun of a little bit then you are really are just a bunch of little girls jerking off to kpop boys”, he tweeted, also blaming K-pop stans for their idols’ suicides.