
Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake Strikes Coast Along Canada's British Columbia - USGS

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake shook Canada's western province of British Columbia on Monday, following two slightly weaker quakes that hit just hours before. All were centered just offshore in the Pacific Ocean.

According to the US Geological Survey, the quake happened at a depth of 10 kilometers roughly 175 kilometers west of Port Hardy, British Columbia. Just hours earlier, earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 and magnitude 5.2 were recorded in nearly the exact same location.

Emergency Info British Columbia reported there to be no danger of a tsunami and there have so far been no reports of damage.

​The province's west coast sits along a series of fault lines that extends around the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean collectively known as The Ring of Fire. Earthquakes are common along these faults, which are dotted by hundreds of volcanoes, many of them also active.
