
Festivus for the Left of Us

Though US President Donald Trump touts Christmas as his favorite holiday, 45’s Twitter timeline was focused less on the birth of Christ and his teachings and more on Festivus’ “Airing of Grievances” as he tore into US House Speaker Nancy Pelsoi, California and the Democrats this week.

While it’s unclear whether Trump actually got around to finding a gift for the FLOTUS, he definitely did not forget to deliver a flurry of tweets to “Crazy Nancy” while she continued to withhold impeachment documents from the Senate. 

Trump’s tweets and retweets were not only addressed to the House speaker, however. The US president made sure to include the “Do Nothing Democrats” and the “Radical Left” on his holiday list of grievances. 

One can only hope that 45 does not try to progress from an “Airing of Grievances” to a showing of his “Feats of Strength!” 
