
Reinterpret & Amend: Dems' Speechwriter Claims Original Versions of Constitution and Bible are Evil

Hurwitz, who began her career as an intern in Vice President Al Gore’s office, also blamed President Donald Trump for the rise of anti-Semitism and linked the 10 December shooting at a kosher grocery store in New Jersey, which was carried out by two African-Americans, to President Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s speechwriter has claimed living by the Bible and US Constitution is evil and an abomination. Speaking with David Axelrod on the podcast “Axe Files”, Sarah Hurwitz said amendments to the Constitution and reinterpretation of the Torah, the first five books of what Christians call the Old Testament, helped the public to make them “consistent with moral sensibilities of the time”.

"If we lived by the original version of the constitution…that would be evil, that would be an abomination. Same if we lived by the original version of the Torah. You reinterpret it. We amended the Constitution to get rid of slavery, thank God. We amended it to let women vote, thank God. We continue to amend this document. Same with the Torah", Hurwitz told the host of the podcast David Axelrod.

Hurwitz then gave an example of ancient rabbis reinterpreting the “eye for an eye” principle, because it wasn’t consistent with their basic moralities and noted that people continue to reinterpret the Torah. "This is why women are now rabbis, this is why gay people are now married. This is why gay people are rabbis – because we have continued this process of reinterpreting. That’s what you have to do", Hurwitz said.

Hurwitz, who worked with numerous Democrats, was then questioned on the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States, which the speechwriter blamed on President Donald Trump and linked a recent shooting at a kosher store in New Jersey to Trump’s statements.

"I think that when you have a national political leader — and a number of people who enable that person — who deliberately foments anti-Muslim sentiments, anti-immigrant sentiments, racist sentiments, when you have someone deliberately riling up those types of sentiments, and empowering and enabling folks who hold those sentiments, that affects Jews, as well. I do think that the current president, yeah, I think that a lot of this falls to him".