The Critical Hour

Is the US on the Brink of War With Iran? US Airstrike Kills Top Iranian General

On this episode of The Critical Hour, Dr. Wilmer Leon is joined by political analysts Caleb Maupin, journalist focusing on US foreign policy, capitalism and imperialism; Mark Sleboda, international affairs and security analyst, and Dr. Ajamu Baraka, American political activist.

It’s Friday, so that means it's panel time.

Qasem Soleimani, the son of a laborer who became Iran’s most revered military commander, was assassinated Friday in a targeted US drone air strike at the airport in Baghdad, Iraq. "Iranian politicians said, after his death, it would have been Soleimani’s dream to be 'martyred' by the US, Iran’s 'arch foe,' which he had relentlessly battled in the Middle East for the more than the two decades that he led the elite Quds force," the Financial Times reported. One of the fiercest military commanders in Iran in recent decades, the 62-year-old had long masterminded Iran’s support for Shia militant groups. "He was so close to Iran’s supreme leader that he saw him as a son. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the death was 'bitter' for Iran but he vowed revenge, which would make it 'more bitter' for the US," the Times reported. What does all of this represent and mean?  

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the US airstrike that killed Soleimani was aimed at stopping an "imminent attack" from the Iranian official that could have killed Americans in the Middle East. "I can't talk too much about the nature of the threats. But the American people should know that the President's decision to remove Soleimani from the battlefield saved American lives," Pompeo said Friday on CNN's "New Day." We have been lied to before. Why wouldn't they be lying to us again?


Caleb Maupin — Journalist and political analyst who focuses his coverage on US foreign policy and the global system of monopoly capitalism and imperialism.  

Mark Sleboda — International affairs and security analyst.  

Dr. Ajamu Baraka — Journalist, American political activist and former Green Party nominee for vice president of the United States in the 2016 election.

Dr. Linwood Tauheed — Associate professor of economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Jim Kavanagh — Political analyst and commentator and editor of The Polemicist.

Daniel Lazare — Journalist and author of three books: "The Frozen Republic," "The Velvet Coup" and "America's Undeclared War."    

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