
Twitter in Tears After British Paper Mistakenly Promotes Blue Passport With Monty Python Quote

Until 1988 the UK passport was not the familiar burgundy but instead a dark shade of blue. To stamp the UK's departure from the EU, a version closer to the old design has been promoted to both excitement and mockery of the British public.

The Express newspaper posted a story on Thursday which included a Monty Python line as part of the design, leading to widespread roasting online.

The paper, which backed Brexit in the 2016 referendum, posted a story showing the existing burgundy passport which includes the "European Union" title in full behind the proposed future blue passport which is emblazoned with "Your mother was a hamster" on the front, seemingly unknown to the publisher.

One twitter user spotted the mistake and immediately took to social media to show everyone the unfortunate mistake.

​The quote comes from Monty Python and the holy grail, a classic satire movie from 1975.

It turns out the Monty Python team were behind this particular edit, while twitter users were promoting their own designs following the blue passport announcement in 2018.

​Other netizens immediately joined in with the joke, saying that Brits will be informing everyone as they travel their their mother is in fact a hamster.

​Some posted Monty Python memes in response.

​There were users who seemed fond of the idea however.

​​The article reported on the government announcement that the blue passports will be available for Brits come the 2020 summer holidays.
