
Millions of Locusts Infest Eastern Africa, Threatening to Cause Mass Famine - Videos

Swarms of locusts appeared in Africa searching for food, with millions of hungry insects contaminating fields in the eastern part of the continent after heavy rains at the end of 2019 made their numbers grow dramatically.

The UN has called for international help for Africa to "avert any threats to food security, livelihoods, and malnutrition", as Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia are facing "unprecedented" numbers of the insects. According to the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), this might be the worst infestation in Ethiopia for the past 25 years, and 70 years in Kenya.

​South Sudan and Uganda are also in danger, as the number of locusts may group up to 500 times by June, according to reports.

​Various footage from the continent already show thousands of acres occupied by hungry swarms.

