
Warren Introduces Her Golden Retriever for US Presidential Campaign, Netizens Split

While rallying in Iowa, Senator Elizabeth Warren, 70, one of the remaining Democratic contenders for the Oval Office, stirred up supporters with a new campaign strategy by introducing amendments to her favored and famous "selfie line".

The so-called "selfie line" has long been associated with the Warren campaign. The lawmaker is well-known for hosting lengthy selfie sessions with supporters across the United States.

On Saturday, Warren for the first time said that she would not do the time-consuming "selfie line" because this would reduce the number of locations that she wants to visit. She found a replacement for photo sessions, however, by introducing her 2-year-old golden retriever and "furrogate" called Bailey.
"I've been in Washington for a lot of time locked down, and I need to get to a lot of places around Iowa [...] So, I hope you'll indulge me. Bailey's gonna stay and do the selfie line. He's been working on his smile he's ready, he's ready", Warren told the rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Netizens were apparently confused with the news, with some supporting the Warren campaign changes as a good idea and the others criticizing and mocking the new regime.

​​The Republican-controlled Senate is scheduled to conduct a final vote on the impeachment articles against US President Donald Trump on Wednesday and Senator Warren intends be on Capitol Hill at the time to implement her legislative duties.

The impeachment hustle around Trump's quid-pro-quo with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on digging dirt against the Bidens apparently failed to improve declining ratings of remaining Democratic candidates, including Warren.

Recent polls reportedly show a solid lead by remaining Democratic contenders is waning, and the US president currently moving into a statistical tie with former Vice President Joe Biden.
