
Infected Woman Gives Birth to Healthy Baby in Harbin

A pregnant woman infected with novel coronavirus gave birth to a healthy baby girl in a hospital in Harbin, capital of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on 30 January, according to the Harbin Municipal Health Commission on Monday.

According to the hospital, the baby weighed 3.05 kilograms and was given a 10 Apgar score at birth. After several days of medical quarantine and observation, both the baby and her mother are in stable condition now.

When the 38-week pregnant woman was reported to the mission on 30 January, a group of obstetric, respiratory and neonatology experts gave her a consultation.

​To prevent the adult from getting worse, experts decided to do a cesarean section immediately.

All the medical workers involved in the operation have no occupational exposure and are now under isolation observation. The baby tested negative for the novel coronavirus two consecutive times.

This article was originally published in China Daily
