
Trump in Super Bowl Pregame Show Predicts Pelosi Political Downfall

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spearheaded the Dem-triggered impeachment of US President Donald Trump. Pelosi accused Trump of soliciting foreign power to meddle US policy in a bid to undermine what some believe to be his main political rival in the upcoming presidential election, former Vice President Joe Biden.

During Sunday's Super Bowl LIV pregame show, Trump told Fox News that Pelosi's "worst nightmare" has come true, predicting her political demise as the impeachment process nears its culmination.

"I think she's a very confused, very nervous woman [...] "I don't think she wanted to do this [...] I think she really knew what was going to happen, and her worst nightmare has happened. I don't think she's gonna be there too long, either. I think that the radical left -- and she's sorta radical left too, by the way -- but I think the radical left is gonna take over", Trump said, cited by Fox News.

Trump confirmed that the annual State of the Union address would take place as scheduled on Tuesday - a day before the US Senate is set to vote on two impeachment articles against him.

Trump accused the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of "rigging the election again", blaming Democrats for a change in rules in a bid to help newly-minted Dem presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg appear in the next debates.

The GOP-controlled Senate voted on Friday to ban additional witnesses and documents in the removal trial for Trump's impeachment. Lawmakers from the upper chamber scheduled the final removal vote for Wednesday, 5 February, prompting rumors that the quick vote without additional evidence - as well as a GOP majority - would likely acquit Trump and allow him to remain in the office in spite of being impeached.

Senate Democrats wanted former National Security Adviser John Bolton to testify, particularly after an unpublished manuscript of his forthcoming book was leaked. In an explosive revelation, Bolton confirmed that Trump had ordered pressuring Ukraine to investigate his Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Pelosi Slams Senators Who Voted Against Witnesses at Impeachment Trial as Trump’s 'Accomplices'
The lengthy impeachment hearings in the Dem-controlled US House kicked off last fall after a whistleblower - whose identity remains a riddle for the public and media - alleged that Trump prodded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Zelensky and Trump subsequently denied the accusation.

The Trump White House claimed that a complete and accurate transcript of the controversial July phone call was released, although it was later reported that many elements had been redacted.

The Dems appeared to ignore the 'unredacted' transcript and subpoenaed dozens of people - although the whistleblower, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were not questioned - culminating in the December 2019 impeachment of Donald Trump, the third president to be impeached in US history.
