
Twitter Divided After Beyoncé, Jay-Z Remain Seated During Super Bowl National Anthem

Two of the most famous musicians drew attention on Sunday while attending Super Bowl LIV for staying seated during the performance of the national anthem, seemingly echoing former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s move, dividing their fanbase.

The refusal to stand up is even more notable considering that Jay-Z and his Roc Nation company entered a partnership with the NFL for events and social activism last year. The rapper has been criticized since becoming one of the biggest supporters of Colin Kaepernick, the ex-49er quarterback who sparked a fissure in the NFL when he decided to kneel during the national anthem to protest against police brutality against African-Americans and other minorities.

The couple’s decision divided the audience who watched them during the game: several Twitter commentators had called the decision “obnoxious”, “disgusting” and accused them of being bad role models.

Others, however, had noted that standing during the national anthem is an individual choice and tradition rather than an obligation.

Representatives for Jay-Z and Beyoncé have yet to release any comment about the pair’s decision to remain seated during the anthem.
