
'I Already Have a Dog': Warren Blasts US VP Pence, Recalls Her Golden Retriever

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who came out strong on Sunday in the latest debate between the seven leading Democratic presidential candidates - repeatedly earning loud and sustained applause - campaigned on Monday in Lebanon, New Hampshire.

During a town hall question and answer session ahead of the state's first-in-the-nation primary vote in the current election year, a voter asked Warren if she ever asks her campaign mascot - a Golden Retriever called Bailey - who might be the next US vice president "who will look at you with adoring eyes?". The question and Warren's answer was caught on tape.

"I already have a dog [...] You've got to watch these feisty women", Warren answered. The Democratic Senator noted that she preferred to see her running mate as someone "who is going to be in the fight" with her.

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"I want smart people. I want people who will challenge. I want people who have ideas. I want people who have worked in the fields. [...] I want people who believe that they can be part of putting government on the side of our citizens instead of on the side of giant corporations", Warren said during the Monday rally.

Earlier this month, Warren introduced her 2-year-old dog as a stand-in for her lengthy "selfie lines" - an event long associated with her campaign. According to Warren, the time-consuming selfie sessions reduce the number of locations that the Democratic Senator can visit during a day campaigning for president.
