By Any Means Necessary

Proper 'Propaganda' from Moscow to Missouri

Russiagate hysterics hit Radio Sputnik; Building revolution through reading; OPCW attack on whistleblowers exposed

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Jacquie Luqman and Sean Blackmon are joined by Sputnik News Analyst Wyatt Reed to talk about a New York Times article attempting to portray Sputnik Radio as "Russia propaganda", how this latest smear figures into the larger attempt by mainstream media and Democratic establishment to blame Russia for the rise of Trump, and the century-long history of the US government and press treating homegrown white supremacy as the product of Russian meddling.

In the second segment, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Erica Caines, founder of Liberation Through Reading and a member of Black Alliance for Peace, to talk about her organization's work providing revolutionary educational materials for kids in poor and working class Black communities, why it's so important for young people to have access to books with characters and plots they can relate to, and how her campaign to boost literacy and help kids think critically about empire is helping to build lasting connections and enhance movement work more broadly.

In the third segment, Jacquie Luqman and Sean Blackmon are joined by Max Blumenthal, award-winning journalist and editor of The Grayzone to talk about new documents leaked to The Grayzone concerning the OPCW report blaming a chemical attack on the Syrian government, the serious distortions they show in the OPCW's attack on the whistleblowers who accused the group of issuing a doctored report alleging a chemical attack in Syria, along with an update about the trial of four members of the Embassy Protection Collective.

Later in the show, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Kendrick Jackson, a civic innovator and social impact specialist, to talk about the 20-year anniversary of the release of the Dead Prez album "Let's Get Free," why the album was so influential and meaningful at the time, why the resignation of Iowa Democratic Party chairman Troy Price reflects more interest in finding a scapegoat than holding anyone accountable, the apology by Snoop Dogg to Gayle King after he lambasted her over a CBS clip in which she appeared to corner WNBA legend Lisa Leslie about the prior rape allegations made against recently-deceased NBA icon Kobe Bryant, Mike Bloomberg's unapologetic "apology" for his deeply destructive and racist stop-and-frisk policy, the overwhelming uselessness of stop-and-frisk as a crime prevention strategy, what Bloomberg's rapid ascent reveals about the Democratic establishment's interest in mitigating the threat of a Sanders presidency, 

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