By Any Means Necessary

Bloomberg Buying 'Democracy' as US Sanctions Venezuela 'Dictatorship'

Bernie leads as money and media lift Bloomberg; Afghan peace perhaps almost a reality; 100 days after coup, Bolivians question new elections

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Jacquie Luqman and Sean Blackmon are joined by Joel Segal, National Director of Justice Action Mobilization Network, to talk about why Bernie Sanders'  electoral successes are being overshadowed by Bloomberg purchasing his way into the Democratic nomination race, whether Bloomberg is capable of energizing voter turnout for people of color, and if not, whether his billions will be enough to compensate for perceptions that he's out-of-touch and buddies with Trump.

In the second segment, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Dr. Marvin Weinbaum, Director of Afghanistan and Pakistan studies at the Middle East Institute, to talk about the short-term peace plan currently being finalized between the US government and the Taliban, why questions remain about the comprehensiveness of the plan and ultimate timeline for withdrawal, how the near-permanent presence of foreign powers has led to a situation in which their sudden withdrawal could lead to all-out civil war, and to what extent President Trump is simply dressing up previously-agreed-upon troop drawdowns for political benefit.

In the third segment, Jacquie Luqman and Sean Blackmon are joined by Alberto Echazu, a political analyst and journalist with La Resistencia Bolivia, to talk about the developments that have occurred in the hundred days since the coup in Bolivia, how the current state of affairs in that country represents a return to the dark days of the dictatorships of the '60s and '70s, why the coup mongers have been so successful in weaponizing the Bible against the indigenous-led MAS party, and what fraudulent tactics the right may be preparing to employ to ensure victory at the ballot box in May.

Later in the show, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Ben Norton, journalist with the Grayzone and co-host of the Moderate Rebels podcast, to talk about the Democratic Party's decision to change their nomination rules that allow Mike Bloomberg into the debate in Nevada, why party leaders are willing to include Bloomberg while refusing to accommodate a similar request from Tulsi Gabbard, why Michael Bloomberg could end up being even worse for the working class than Donald Trump, whether reports of volunteers going untrained amid the upcoming Democratic caucus in Nevada foreshadow a repeat of the Iowa caucus, why the real conditions on the ground in Nicaragua are so different from how they're reported in the mainstream media, what explains the cognitive dissonance displayed by press when they denounce supposed Russian electoral interference in US domestic politics while supporting the overthrow of non-aligned foreign governments, why the US government has spent the past century thwarting Nicaragua's plans for an interoceanic canal, what the decision by the US government to sanction Russian state-owned oil supplier Rosneft over its dealings with the Venezuelan government says about the mentality of our ruling class, and why so many cops, contras, and feds have taken charge of the anti-Trump "resistance."

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