
Porn Shot at Santa Monica Library Near Elementary School Triggers Public Outrage

A video featuring a 19-year-old porn actress having sex with an unidentified man in the Ocean Park library branch during business hours was posted on PornHub several weeks ago. The clip, which has already been deleted, prompted backlash from both concerned parents and local authorities.

A porn video, shot outside of an elementary school and inside a public library in Santa Monica, has sparked public anger and alarmed city authorities.

“We are deeply disturbed to learn about this video. Sex in public spaces is against the law and the Santa Monica Police Department will be looking into this incident”, the city of Santa Monica said in a special statement, cited by the Santa Monica Daily Press.

The 10-minute clip, featuring 19-year-old adult entertainer Ellie Eilish, who has several similar works, emerged three weeks ago on PornHub, paying for clicks. In the video, the actress, after exposing herself around Ocean Park, goes into the library apparently during business hours, talking about not getting caught, and performs sex acts with an unidentified man.

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The video, which has already been deleted from the platform, prompted residents and library patrons to share their anger on social media. Some even insisted that the two should be arrested for public indecency, local media reports. One disturbed local insisted that it puts children in harm’s way.

“God forbid, a child walked in the library and walked right in on the middle of it. That’s my biggest concern. Children don’t need to be exposed to this. If you want to do porn, stick to the hotels”, resident Janet McLaughlin, who was sent a link by a concerned parent, told CBS Local.

According to her, the city’s leaders say that “it is a misdemeanor and unless they witness it themselves, there is nothing they can do about it”.
