
Surfer Escapes Shark by Punching It in the Eye, Yelling 'F**k Off'

Stories of people encountering sharks are surfacing every now and then on the Internet with different plots as to how people managed to escape a deadly incident. A fisherman in South Africa, Theodore Prinsloo recently told about how he was dragged by a shark for 20 minutes before he managed to escape.

Sixty-year-old Nick Minogue from New Zealand's Auckland told the NZ Herald that he managed to escape an encounter with a shark by punching it in its eye and yelling "f**k off."

The incident occurred earlier in the week when Mr Minogue was surfing at Pauanui Beach in the country's Coromandel region.

According to Minogue, he was paddling along, when he felt a hit on the side of his elbow and forearm.

"By the time I realised what was going on, its teeth were definitely latched on to the front section of the board," Mr Minogue.

At that moment, Mr Minogue shouted "f**k off" at the shark and punched it in the eye, which, according to him, was three knuckles across.

"In between the two punches, it crunched down a bit more on the board and then disengaged its teeth, got its jaws off and then I got brushed by the dorsal fin and the tail fin and swam off," said Minogue.

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Mr Minogue said that besides him, there was another surfer from Germany, who quickly got out of the water.

Following an examination of the surfboard, experts said that this must have been a great white shark - the world's biggest predatory fish.
