Political Misfits

Sanders Wins Nevada, Talking Heads Melt Down, Russiagate 2.0 Implodes

Bernie Sanders’ victory in Nevada sent much of the US media class into a tailspin, and Russiagate 2020 rose and fell within the weekend.

On this episode of “Political Misfits,” hosts Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas broke down the Nevada Democratic primary - the winners, the losers, the ramifications, and the way it broke the pundits’ hearts. The Democratic Party can no longer ignore the Vermont senator’s movement. 

Joel Segal, co-author of the original Medicare for All bill and national director of the Justice Action Mobilization Network, joined Bob and Jamarl to talk about the importance of healthcare policy in this primary, and the great divide the US must reckon with between those who know what it is like to struggle to make ends meet, to have to choose between paying bills or buying groceries, and those who don’t. The point was driven home by a caller who shared her story of struggling to maintain insurance for a very sick child and the sacrifices her family has had to make in that struggle. 

Sputnik news analyst Walter Smolarek reported from London on the extradition trial of Julian Assange, describing the tactics of the legal team representing the US in the case. He also illustrated the passion of the protesters gathered outside the courthouse, many of whom have traveled great distances to be there. This passion is not echoed among Assange’s fellow journalists, who have largely distanced themselves from the WikiLeaks publisher, allowing his trial to be framed as a criminal matter, not an attack on journalism. 

Brianna Griffith, producer and host of the People's Republic Austin radio program, spoke with Bob and Jamarl in the second hour, offering her take on the media meltdown following Sanders’ romp in Nevada. Mainstream media is just now waking up to the Sanders’ movement - as is the Democratic establishment, which spent much of the weekend either begging for Barack Obama to step in to stop it or sharing smears of Sanders as a Russian favorite. Because Russiagate was back - but only briefly. Friday ended with a story alleging Russia was interfering in the primary to help Sanders as well as Trump. Just two days later, CNN of all networks was calling that analysis greatly exaggerated. 

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