
Turkey Releases Footage of Recent Attacks on Syrian Military in Idlib

The situation in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib worsened sharply on Thursday, after 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in an airstrike.

The Turkish news agency Anadolu released a video showing Ankara's strikes on Syrian government positions in Idlib.

The agency claims that Turkish forces destroyed 130 pieces of Syrian military hardware over the last few weeks.

​A caption under the video reads that Turkish attacks over a 17-day span resulted in the elimination of 55 Syrian tanks, 39 vehicles, 29 howitzers, as well as three helicopters. The caption also asserts that Turkish forces killed 1,700 Syrian troops.

On Thursday, Rahmi Dogan, the governor of the Hatay province that borders northern Syria, announced that a Syrian airstrike resulted in the death of 33 Turkish troops, and said that Ankara will respond in a tit-for-tat response. The latest spike in fatal skirmishes follows several weeks of tensions triggered by attacks by Turkish-backed militants against the Syrian army.
