Indian actor and singer Diljit Dosanjh shared a clearly photoshopped picture with Ivanka Trump on Sunday, and the US President's daughter surprised many netizens by taking to social media to thank him.
She retweeted his tweet and thanked him after he claimed that he took her to the Taj Mahal again.
Several netizens have attracted Ivanka's attention by sharing their photoshopped pictures with her as memes.
The US First Lady has also been sharing pictures from her India trip.
Even US President Donald Trump has admitted that he was taken aback by the size of the crowds in India.
"I may never be excited again about a crowd after going to India. Think of this, they have 1.5 billion people. We have 350, so we’re doing pretty well, I’ll tell you what, but I love this crowd, and I love that crowd too… That was really a worthwhile trip,” Trump said while addressing a rally in South Carolina on Saturday.
US President Donald Trump, his wife Melania and his daughter Ivanka visited India on 24 and 25 February.