Political Misfits

Sanders’ Enemies Circle, Super Tuesday Begins, Erdogan Overreaches

Yesterday’s dropouts are today’s endorsements, and just in time for Super Tuesday. Meanwhile, Erdogan’s Idlib gambit might be backfiring.

The “Political Misfits” are all jitters as Super Tuesday rolls on ‒ well, host Bob Schlehuber claims to have ice in his veins, but we don’t believe him. Jamarl Thomas reviews the array of enemies gathering around Democratic front-runner Bernie Sanders, and the hosts get an update from Virginia. Sputnik news analyst Nicole Roussell is encountering two general types of voters out there and reveals which ones are voting for Sanders and which are tacking to the center. 

Tom Luongo, independent analyst on politics, culture and markets at his blog, Gold Goats 'n Guns, dropped in with his take on the disagreements between Russia and Turkey in Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Russia later this week. Whether Erdogan leaves that meeting with even face-saving concessions is up for debate. The Turkish president may have overplayed his hand in Idlib. Now, facing poor polling and real fiscal problems at home, Erdogan is finding that he’s alienated all the erstwhile allies that helped him out of economic jams in the past. 

Luongo also had good news and bad news on coronavirus. The bad news is that in the US, with its monstrously expensive health care, minimal workers’ rights and epidemic of diet-related health issues, has created perfect-storm conditions for a public health crisis. The good news? Um...just that this virus doesn’t seem all that virulent. 

Raymond Caldwell, producing artistic director at DC’s Theater Alliance, joined the league ‒ well, pair ‒ of gentlemen to discuss the Theater Alliance’s staging of “This Bitter Earth,” and the role of art in developing and maintaining imagination, even sometimes political imagination. Jamarl again took the opportunity to tell us all about “Star Trek” and its many variations. The trio also blasted at warp speed through art’s function in teaching empathy and communication, and how to maintain the performing arts in a culture that doesn’t value them. Answer: it’s the personal connection, folks! 

(And that’s why we love our callers!)

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