
Interactive Coronavirus Database Confirms Over 95,000 Cases Worldwide

Three scientific experts with Johns Hopkins University have established a live and interactive Coronavirus database which is regularly updated, available to the public and has even started to report newly infected countries before the UN's World Health Organization.

There are 95,748 globally confirmed cases of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), as of 3/5/2020 10:03:08 GMT, according to an interactive database hosted by Johns Hopkins University. The innovative dashboard is regularly updated both manually and automatically with data that comes from health authorities and governments from around the world. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Lauren Gardner​, and two of her PHD students, Ensheng Dong, Hongru Du, developed the database to assist with tracking and tackling the current outbreak.

The dashboard, which shows all confirmed cases of COVID-19, as well as associated deaths and recoveries, was first made publicly available on 22 January 2020.

​The interactive database also shows information broken down by country and region, in China's case also by province and by city for the US, Canada and Australia. There have been 3,286 deaths attributed to COVID-19 (including 2,902 in Hubei Mainland China, 107 deaths in Italy and 92 deaths in Iran) and 53,423 cases of people recovering from the virus (including 52,182 in China overral, 276 in Italy, and 552 in Iran), according to the latest figures at the time of publishing.

This would mean that, if all of the data is accurate, the COVID-19 has been shown to have a fatality rate of approximately 3.43%. With more than half (55.80%) of all known cases resulting in people recovering from the illness thus far. The outcome for 39,039 (40.77%) of the confirmed cases are as of yet unknown. But if the data of the recoveries seen to this point is anything to go by then a large percentage of these people should ultimately be given the all clear.

The dashboard is hosted by Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), where Gardner, Dong and Du teach, work and study. In an article published with the British medical journal the Lancet, the three experts say that, "given the popularity and impact of the dashboard to date, we plan to continue hosting and managing the tool throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 outbreak and to build out its capabilities".

The team at CSSE will also seek to create a "standing tool" which can be used to report on future outbreaks. "We believe our efforts are crucial to help inform modelling efforts and control measures during the earliest stages of the outbreak", they write. The authors also say that this project has been so successful that, "with the exception of Australia, Hong Kong, and Italy, the CSSE at Johns Hopkins University has reported newly infected countries ahead of [the World Health Organization]".
