By Any Means Necessary

Coronavirus Prep Finally Beginning as Sanders & Biden Set for Showdown

Democratic field down to 2 before Michigan; How did China beat Coronavirus — & why aren't we learning?; "The Young Lords: A Radical History"

On this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Sean and Jacquie are joined by Ben Becker, Editor at Breakthrough News, to talk about Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the race but refusing to endorse a candidate, how the Democratic establishment succeeded in manufacturing a wave of momentum to carry Biden to the nomination, and why the mainstream media is essentially engaging in a social engineering campaign to convince the American electorate of the self-fulfilling prophecy that a Biden nomination is inevitable.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by John Ross, Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China, and an award-winning resident columnist with several Chinese media organizations, to talk about the lack of actions being taken to prepare for the Coronavirus in the US and UK, why the caseload in China is reducing while increasingly virtually everywhere else, how the systemic prioritization of naked profit precludes capitalist governments from responding to the crisis in a rational manner, what the willingness of various public officials to permit an outbreak reveals about the value they place on human life, and why the most vulnerable members of our society are most likely to face the consequences as the US government appears set to learn a very harsh lesson in epidemiological containment.
In the third segment, Johanna Fernandez, assistant professor of history at Baruch College of the City University, to talk about her new book, "The Young Lords: A Radical History," who the Young Lords were and why their struggle is so relevant today, where they fit into the broader Puerto Rican independence struggle and the larger New Left milieu, how elements of racism and classism among self-styled intellectual leftists led to friction between educated whites and the largely Afro-Puerto Rican Young Lords, how Marx and Lenin came to shape the outlook, the role of theory, political education, and messaging in their development of revolutionary cadres throughout Chicago, how their attempts to merge grassroots community organizing with revolutionary politics ended with the push to build a vanguard party for the working class, why they used whatever tools at their disposal—from Biblical scripture to the emerging media force of television—to amplify their message, and why Chicago police and the FBI responded so harshly to their efforts to uplift and empower their community.   

Later in the show, Jacquie and Sean are joined by China Dickerson, National Political Director for Forward Majority, to talk about how things are shaking out now that the Democratic nomination race has been reduced to two main candidates, why those denigrating older Black constituents who voted for Biden as "low-information voters" come off as elitist, what explains the serious discrepancies between urban/rural and younger/older demographics with the Black community, why Elizabeth Warren is unlikely to endorse Biden and why her logical endorsement should be Bernie Sanders, why she may not endorse anyone at all until after the convention, whether there's any truth to the notion that "Bernie Bros" are uniquely vitriolic, why Sanders' supporters will need to generate a huge wave of youth turnout if they have serious hopes of getting him into office, why the aversion of the Democratic donor class to Bernie Sanders is perfectly reasonable from their perspective, why Bernie Sanders isn't a true "socialist," and whether it actually matters in the eyes of a new generation of voters desperate for reforms that have become commonplace in the rest of the industrialized world. 


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