
Russia, Turkey Agree on Most Matters Related to Idlib - Turkish Defenсe Minister

Moscow and Ankara struck a ceasefire deal earlier this month, stopping an ongoing escalation between Turkish and Syrian forces in Idlib, and establishing joint military patrols in the area.
"Negotiations with the Russian delegation continue. We have managed to agree on most of the matters. Our military presence in Idlib continues, withdrawal is not being discussed", Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said on Thursday , as quoted by the broadcaster NTV.

Ankara and Damascus clashed in the region earlier this year after the Syrian Army carried out a strike against Tahrir al-Sham* jihadists in Idlib, killing up to 36 Turkish troops, deployed next to the terrorists.

Russia, Turkey Agree on Most Matters Related to Idlib - Turkish Defenсe Minister

Turkey claimed the Syrian military knew about their positions and, according to Akar, the retaliatory strike had neutralised 300 Syrian troops and numerous armoured vehicles.

Russian President Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan later managed to negotiate a ceasefire during talks in the Kremlin. The situation in the area has since calmed down.

*Jabhat al-Nusra (also known as Jabhat al-Nusra, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, or al-Qaeda in Syria) is a terrorist organisation banned in Russia
