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Fauci Warns of Over 100,000 Dead from COVID-19 as UK Extends Its Lockdown to 6 Months

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon & Lee Stranahan talked about the USA's foreign policy stances towards Iran, Yemen, and Venezuela and how the novel coronavirus pandemic is changing the lives of billions around the world.


Ian Shilling - Geopolitical Analyst, Researcher & Blogger | UK coronavirus

Stephen Lendman - Author and Geopolitical Analyst | Sanctions against Iran and war in the Middle East

Randi Nord - Co-Founder of Geopolitics Alert & Contributor at MintPress News | The war in Yemen and recent Saudi-Yemeni skirmishes

Dr. Gerald Horne - Historian, Author, Professor | The USA's charges against Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, and global pandemic preparedness

Dr. Bill Honigman - Emergency Room Doctor & Progressive Healthcare Activist | Severity of the novel coronavirus

We were joined by Ian Shilling from London to discuss the local response to COVID-19 and the government's state of extended lockdown as Boris Johnson pushed the quarantine period to 6 months after himself being infected.

Later we were joined by Chicago-based author Stephen Lendman to discuss the USA's continued sanctions against Iran and how those sanctions have restricted the flow of vital medical equipment into the country.

We were joined by Randi Nord to discuss the war in Yemen after recent skirmishes between Saudi and Houthi forces. We were also joined for the first time by Dr. Gerald Horne to discuss the USA's charges against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on cocaine trafficking, as well as the global supply chain as a means of transmission for the novel coronavirus.

At the end of our show we were joined by Dr. Bill Honigman to talk about why people are right to be concerned about SARS-CoV-2, the issue of hospital overcrowding and the lack of sufficient ICU equipment, and the trajectory this virus may take in the coming weeks.

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