Political Misfits

Economies Are on Life Support and Prisoners Are on Death Row

This pandemic makes clear that the US needs Medicare for All. Why is the media still so hostile to the one candidate who favors it?

Quintin Williams, campaign manager at Heartland Alliance, a doctoral candidate in sociology, consultant, and advocate for the freedom of those directly impacted by the carceral system; and Nnennaya Amuchie, an organizer with BYP100 and No New Jails DC and an attorney with Movement Law Lab, reported on efforts to protect American inmates from the COVID-19 pandemic, and also on the conundrum of trying in this moment to support health and safety in cages that are designed to deny people both. They discuss the use of ‘violent’ to dehumanize prisoners, and reveal how much the disparate standards of care, lack of protective equipment, fear and misinformation on the inside mirror back our larger social failings. 

Kimberlyn Carter, a political strategist for progressive campaigns, focusing on economic justice, criminal justice reform and climate justice, spoke with the Misfits about how to move the Democratic Party and what role Bernie Sanders can play in doing that. They talk about why some media continue to stand in the way of any move left and get into the latest revelations of Senator Kelly Loeffler’s stock transactions as the pandemic hit the US. Carter also reports on the ongoing voter suppression efforts and the effects they will have on the political landscape, as well as some of the conversations on how to protest and engage in direct action at a time of isolation. 

The apoplectic hosts also break down the absolutely astonishing unemployment numbers in the US this week and some of the ways the pandemic is being incorporated into the ongoing Russophobia and Sinophobia in US media and culture. Russia, in particular, came in for a walloping for daring to send a planeload of medical supplies to New York. Appalling. Also appalling: has Anthony Fauci been issued a security detail to protect him from “fervent admirers”? Wow. Love in a time of coronavirus indeed. 

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