Political Misfits

Boris Is in the Hospital, But It's Labour That Choked

The Misfits begin this Monday by making the argument that the US’ so-called radicals are the only ones offering sensible paths forward.

Reasonable ideas are called radical, while the mainstream becomes a cult of perpetual but toothless opposition. How can the US smash this political funhouse mirror? 

Journalist Mohamed Elmaazi, contributor to numerous outlets including the Canary, the Interregnum, The Grayzone and Sputnik International, hopped on the line to give us a report from the UK on how the pandemic is affecting that island and its politics. Despite being incredibly wealthy and having a health care system that was once the envy of the world, the UK has bungled this response as badly as its upstart former colony. The three discuss the role austerity policies have played in fueling this crisis, Labour’s failure to stop the squeeze, and perceptions of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s leadership. They also check in on the case of Julian Assange, still stuck in Belmarsh prison. 

Anya Parampil, independent journalist with the Grayzone, pulled back the pandemic cover the US is using to once again threaten Venezuela militarily. The US is of course already committing violence against the country with its sanctions regime. Sending warships to the Caribbean should be a major story, but this pandemic is eating up all the ink. They also get into the strange and mysterious story of an empty, Portuguese-flagged cruise ship ramming and sinking a Venezuelan coast guard boat in Venezuelan waters. She also conveyed the opinions of the former head of the UN’s drug control and crime prevention body on the US’s indictments. Is this stage-setting for an invasion? And who actually is the common enemy of the poor in Venezuela, in Iran, in the UK, in the US, and around the world?

Hosts Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas also shoot down the war metaphor frenzy among US officialdom and media, asking what purpose such allusions serve and where they lead us. 

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