
#RateMyKFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken Mocks Fan Skills While in COVID-19 Self-Isolation

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic ravages the globe prompting the shutdown of all public places, including restaurants, KFC UK and Ireland have found some way to keep their brand in the public eye, have fun and test consumer abilities amid the ongoing emergency.

British and Irish branches of US-based fast-food chain KFC have launched a viral competition in which fans attempt to recreate their favorite KFC meals at home, allowing company representatives to rate their offerings.

Fans will tweet images and videos of homemade fried chicken dinners done up in the style of the American fast-food chain with the hashtag ‘RateMyKFC’, while representatives from the corporate office rate their attempts on a scale of one to 10, in which a one means poor and a 10 indicates their branded descriptor; "finger-licking good".

“Reply below your best homemade KFC with #RateMyKFC and I’ll score it out of 10,” spokespersons for KFC UK and Ireland tweeted on Monday 6 April.

Since the competition kicked off, hundreds have taken part in the race for the best rating. The brand’s social media account, however, has not appeared to be overly supportive, mocking a great number off faithful attempts by fans of the product.

“I'm having a lot of fun here,” the KFC account tweeted, while rating of top four attempts.

“Dylan. I know you're proud of this. I can tell by the three times you've sent it in. I'll be honest, it looks bloody tasty...BUT, the coverage is more patchy than Joseph's technicolor dream coat,” the brand taunted one submission. “That means it's a 7.5/10 from me”.

In spite of fan disappointment, some attempts have resulted in praise from the scornful KFC.

“I have no idea how you've done what you've done but you've only gone and done it,” the KFC account said, in response to one submission that almost made the 'finger-licking' grade. “This is fantastic 9/10”.

