Political Misfits

Job Losses, Back to Work Protests, Threats to Congress, Hack Smugness

More stories from inside the Sanders campaign trickle out and more smugness from Elizabeth Warren and mainstream media is on display.

It’s Thursday, so it’s time for our new weekly ritual: learning the latest unemployment figures. Award-winning political cartoonist Ted Rall tells horrified Misfits Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas that these levels of joblessness already exceed those of the Great Depression. They discuss what a sane administration might do and what we are actually seeing, in contrast, from our government, and how the financial irresponsibility of some of the country’s largest industries calls out for nationalization. They also get into the future of progressives in the Democratic Party (hint: there isn’t one).    

Glen Ford, executive editor of the Black Agenda Report, joined to talk about Operation Gridlock in Michigan and the phenomenon of fighting to get back to work under dangerous conditions. Don’t be distracted by flareups: focus on the system that has left all of us vulnerable to all of life’s vicissitudes, including pandemics, and focus on the politicians who refuse to take even step one toward changing the failed status quo. Who benefits from this money created out of nowhere to relieve businesses, and who benefits from withholding it when it comes to our society's everyday inequalities? They also get into the fears that held back the Sanders campaign and where true change might come from

We are joined by Melissa Lavasani, chair of the Committee to Decriminalize Nature DC and proposer of the “Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020,” to talk about the progress made on medical research into psychoactive drugs and decriminalization. For once, the news seems good: this is a movement with momentum, Lavasani says, and the natural world is full of healing power we are getting closer to be able to once again access. 

The Misfits also broke down the latest, dumbest revelations about the Steele dossier from the report by DOJ inspector general Michael Horowitz, and what they should do to the FBI’s already shredded reputation. 

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