
UK Expert Says Unreliable Antibody Tests Could Risk Further COVID-19 Infections

Widely held hopes that antibody tests could rescue the UK from its COVID-19 lockdown have been thrown into doubt after experts questioned the reliability of such tests.

Antibody tests that have not been clinically trialed may put more people at risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, a leading UK expert has warned.

Professor John Newton, national co-ordinator of the UK Coronavirus testing programme, released a public statement that said unproven tests could provide “misleading” results and in fact heighten the risk of infection to those who use them.

“The government, supported by world-leading experts and regulators, is continuing to work hard to rapidly deliver a reliable and accurate back-to-work antibody testing kit, to counter the spread of the virus and enable people to return to work safely,” Professor Newton said.

Then, issuing a warning, he added that, “I am confident this major research effort will make a breakthrough. Until then, please don't buy or take any unproven tests. They may not be reliable for your intended use; they may give a false reading and put you, your family or others at risk.”

Professor Newton said that while the creation of antibody tests that work would mark a “game-changer” in the war on COVID-19, he added that “right now, however, these antibody tests are brand new and still in development.”

Professor Newton noted that “no country in the world” has yet discovered a reliable method for antibody testing, but he also added that “the UK is leading the way in this emerging area of science and technology” and that as soon as a reliable test is created then it will be immediately implemented across the country “as a back to work test.”

Professor Newton’s words come on the heels of reports that the UK government made the seismic error or purchasing three-and-a-half million antibody tests from China before checking to see if they were reliable. Reportedly, so far, not one single test from that large batch has proven to be useable.

Moreover, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a stern warning on Friday, saying that there is no evidence to suggest that antibody tests can show whether a person has immunity or is no longer at risk of becoming reinfected with the Coronavirus. Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, speaking on behalf of the organisation in Geneva, said that, “there are a lot of countries that are suggesting using rapid diagnostic serological tests to be able to capture what they think will be a measure of immunity. Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection.”

“These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of seroprevalence - that level of antibodies but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies means that they are immune,” she added.

Echoing those words, Professor Newton advised against organisations and individuals using antibody tests that have not been certified by a scientific laboratory. So far, no antibody tests have been validated in that way.

“The results of an inaccurate test are potentially misleading and can put people at risk of contracting the disease and transmitting it to others.”
