By Any Means Necessary

As Oil Prices Drop, Global Ruling Class Consolidates Power

Oil prices drop below zero; Bolivian regime detains reporter amid COVID-19 crackdown; "Shock Doctrine" in full play as wealth flows upwards

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by John Ross, Senior Fellow for the Chongyang Institute at the Renmin University of China and an award-winning resident columnist with several Chinese media organizations, to talk about the jaw-dropping news that oil prices fell below zero yesterday, how the price reduction will impact not just oil multinationals but everyday people, and why US media is portraying China's efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus in other nations as a geopolitical power play.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Ollie Vargas, a journalist with Radio Kawsachun Coca, to talk about the detention of his colleague Lander Marca Veizaga by the Bolivian coup-borne government of Jeanine Añez, why he thinks the move was meant to not only "intimidate certain journalists" but also send a message to indigenous and working-class-led social groups organizing large-scale food relief efforts amid the economic shutdown, and why so many working people in the largely-informal Bolivian economy are feeling "abandoned" by the Añez government. 

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Basav Sen, Director of the Climate Policy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies, to talk about how the capitalist class exploits natural disasters to enrich themselves, how the masses and the environment suffer in the process, and what citizens can and are doing counter these efforts.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Rev. Grayland Hagler, to talk about the news that DC's largest halfway house is shutting down, how the federal government's treatment of incarcerated people and immigrants amid the crisis demonstrates which people the ruling class views as expendable, and how to fight back against the armed far-right protesters demanding everyone return to work amid the pandemic. 

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