Political Misfits

Corporate Bailout 2.0, ‘China Virus’ Infects Media, All the New Rosas

It’s easy to mock this weekend’s protesters, but their bills are as real as ours. We may have more in common than you think.

Steve Grumbine, a founder of the nonprofit Real Progressives and host of the podcast Macro ‘n Cheese, dropped by to talk about monetary policy and access to easy money and, on the other side, fiscal policy and the creation of brand new money. They broke down Modern Monetary Theory, the operations manual for fiat currencies, and how that undercuts the “how are we doing to pay for it” arguments. He and Misfit hosts Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas explore the corporate giveaway launched under cover of this pandemic, the limits of universal basic income plans, and the strange bedfellows that need to come together to fight for a truly inclusive economic recovery. They also talked about the very real end-around option of the “trillion-dollar coin.’

The Misfits also broke down the weekend’s entries into the new “who can bash China harder” category. Tied for victory are Fox’s Jeanine Pirro and Joe Biden, both of whom raised the xenophobic bar significantly. 

Kimberlyn Carter, unapologetically black political strategist for progressive campaigns, focusing on economic justice, criminal justice reform and climate justice, joined for the second hour to discuss some of the most egregious health disparities on display in the US, the crisis in care for seniors, and the cost of ignoring local conditions to follow poor national leadership. They also got into the vice-presidential guessing game and what actual commitments Biden has made regarding his cabinet and other picks. Val Demings came up, as did Veronica Escobar, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Silvia Garcia and others, while Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s was definitively buried. There’s an embarrassment of riches for Biden to choose from, but while you can lead a horse to water … well, you know the rest.  

The three also landed a few punches on the usual Sunday news program suspects, connecting with Chuck Todd over his softballs to Vice President Mike Pence and even Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, falling blithely into blame-China lockstep. 

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