By Any Means Necessary

NYT Reusing Russiagate Playbook on China

Target workers announce strike actions; NYT reusing Russiagate playbook on China; Activists call for an end to prison imperialism

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Adam Ryan, liaison for Target Workers Unite!, to talk about their upcoming strike to ensure workers at Target have access to necessary Proper Protective Equipment and hazard pay, why the pandemic reality has led to a resurgence in labor activism, and how Target's emphasis on their "good-guy" brand gives room to workers organizing their coworkers to fight back against their corporate bosses. 

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Joe Lauria, editor of Consortium News, to talk about a new article in the New York Times that suggests the mainstream media is re-purposing their well-worn Russiagate playbook to push a narrative of Chinese culpability for the failed US Coronavirus response, how Trump's public speculation about injecting Coronavirus patients with disinfectant demonstrates the US government needs little outside assistance in spreading dangerous COVID-19 disinformation, and how China's action early on conflict with the prominent, US-backed narrative that they covered up the spread of the virus initially.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Lalo Garcia, national co-coordinator, Alliance For Global Justice, to talk about their new letter (endorsed by signatories including Angela Davis and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Adolfo Pérez Esquivel) demanding an end to "prison imperialism," and, more broadly, how the US government has been working for decades to exploit its hyper-exploitative carceral model to dozens of other nations.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Max Blumenthal, editor of The Grayzone, co-host of Moderate Rebels podcast and author of The Management of Savagery, to talk about the perfect storm of failure caused by the lack of response by the federal government, the deference of the state to the market, and the systemic racism inherent to American policy, how the State Department and mainstream media are taking advantage of the Coronavirus chaos to further their regime change missions in China, Nicaragua, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and how the Grayzone's original, on-the-ground reporting exposing right-wing coup attempts in Bolivia and Venezuela has led to efforts by high-profile right-wing political operatives to target the site.

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