Political Misfits

Rushing to Reopen, Restaurants in Peril, Europe’s Economic Tactics

Bernie Sanders supporters were maligned as sexists, toxic trolls and worse. Where’s the ire for Joe Biden supporters targeting Tara Reade?

John Ross, senior fellow at the Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China, dropped by to discuss Europe’s tactics in addressing the economic fallout of the pandemic, and the success some countries have had through understanding that economic recovery can only come after medical recovery. Some Eastern European countries, who used their advanced warning wisely, have had great success in keeping the virus at bay to begin with, he reports ‒ something the US did not bother to do. They discuss how some governments are borrowing to help their populations, while others are starving people back to work, and the inevitable shift of economic power from West to East after this pandemic. 

Independent restaurant owner Chef Geoff, who has been in business in the DC area for 20 years, explained the roller coaster the area’s restaurants have been riding for the past few months. This chef was able to get a payroll protection loan, and to use the sudden windfall to employ a number of people, including many who had been waiting weeks for a response from overwhelmed unemployment offices. But this is a ticking time bomb, he warns. This money will run out in July, and what will happen for these workers then?

Ron Placone, comedian and host of Get Your News On With Ron, joined Misfits hosts Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas to talk about Cuomo on Cuomo violence; the hypocrisy of Biden supporters attacking Tara Reade; and the Democrats’ constantly disappearing plans to help us. The boys also discussed the Justice Department’s dropping charges against Michael Flynn and the thorny question that is reparations for slavery.  

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