Political Misfits

Fauci Testifies, Elon Musk Bucks California Law, Protesters Take Arms

Donald Trump’s bungling of the pandemic response is finally starting to hurt him. Can anyone turn this weakness to their advantage?

Joel Segal, co-author of the original Medicare for All bill, executive director of the Justice Action Mobilization Network and national director of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Group, tells hosts Bob Schlehuber and Jamarl Thomas what is clear to all: that the president is in way over his head. Trump was hoping to cruise to reelection on a supposedly booming economy, and with that plan shot down, he’s launched an utterly reckless pandemic response that’s not only killing people but killing the economy. Now more than ever, we see the need for new, more representative leadership, Segal says. The work is getting people moving and involved in electoral processes. 

Jamal "DJ One Luv" Muhammad, host of the "Love Lounge" radio show on Square1Radio.com, dropped by to talk about the reverberations of these planned armed protests against the pandemic lockdown and the striking sanitation workers in New Orleans, who have been fired and replaced with prison labor, individuals who, of course, are paid far less than the striking workers. The fragility of the US economy is being reflected in the fragility of the economic health of its workers, and the pandemic has tipped these systems large and small into crisis. They also work through the role of identity politics in slowing rebellion against the Democratic Party. 

Renae Al-Fdeilat, the artist behind Penawapskewi Designs, and Carrie Moran McLeary, artist and owner of Plains Soul, joined to talk about the intersection of native arts, politics and commerce and what it means to keep arts traditions alive. The boys also broke down Joe Biden’s latest efforts to use China to bash Trump, Trump’s rebuke to a reporter to “ask China,” and how the city of Wuhan is about to stomp the US’ testing efforts. 

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