
Silver Lining: Millenia-Old Pavement Uncovered in Rome During Sinkhole Collapse

The slabs discovered during the incident were apparently made during the 1st century BC, when Rome's Pantheon was built.

An unfortunate incident that occurred in the vicinity of the Pantheon in Rome last month has apparently resulted in an archaeological discovery, as the parting earth revealed stone slabs dating back to the times of the Roman Empire, Live Science reports.

The paving slabs are comprised of the type of sedimentary rock called travertine and were made during the same time the Pantheon was constructed, "from 27 BC to 25 BC", the media outlet notes, citing Rome special superintendent Daniela Porro.

The incident itself, however, turned out to be a "rediscovery", as the slabs, which Porro said were designed by Emperor Augustus' friend Marcus Agrippa, were first found back in the 1990s when service lines were constructed in the area.

The media outlet pointed out that such sinkholes are apparently "fairly common" in Rome and, while the city administration has already announced a plan to fix the streets, such accidents may continue to “reveal ancient architecture and artifacts” until said plan is actually implemented.

"This is further evidence of Rome's inestimable archaeological riches," Porro remarked.