
UK's 'Useless and Ineffective' Quarantine Will Hammer Tourism - Ryanair Head

Earlier, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson assured the House of Commons that thousands of UK nationals were following the government's guidance in the fight against COVID-19 and complying with the self-isolation regime under the new test and trace scheme.

Britain does not have a proper plan for its 14-day international quarantine, the head of Ryanair Michael O'Leary said.

"You don't have a quarantine, people are going to be allowed to come in next week through Heathrow and Gatwick, they then get on the London Underground, the trains, the busses, the taxis, to get to their destination. They can stop off at the supermarket, they can play a round of golf," Michael O'Leary said.

"This is going to do untold damage to British tourism, the thousands of hotels and restaurants and guest houses all over the UK that depend on European visitors will be deterred by this useless and ineffective quarantine," he added.

Since the start of the outbreak, 39,369 deaths due to complications from COVID-19 have been reported by the UK Department of Health and Social Care.

The latest increase in the death toll is slightly above the 324 new fatalities confirmed by the department a day ago, and a significant rise from the 111 new deaths reported on Monday.

The department also confirmed on Wednesday that 1,871 new positive tests for COVID-19 had been reported over the preceding 24 hours, up from the 1,613 new positive tests reported on Tuesday.
