
'Make It A Little Kinky': New York City Publishes Coronavirus Sex Tips

New Yorkers are advised they’re their very own safest sexual partner, and “masturbation will not spread COVID-19”, especially if they wash their hands and sex toys with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.

New York City’s Health Authority has published extensive guidelines outlining a number of “harm reduction strategies” for preventing the risk of spreading COVID-19 during sexual intercourse.

Noting the virus spreads through particles in saliva, mucus or breath, even from people who do not have symptoms, the document states there’s still “a lot to learn about COVID-19 and sex”.

“The virus has been found in the semen and feces (poop) [clarification in original] of people with COVID-19. We do not know if COVID-19 can be spread through vaginal or anal sex. We know that other coronaviruses do not easily spread through sex. This means sex is not likely a common way that COVID-19 spreads,” the guide begins.

​“You should limit close contact — including sex — with anyone outside your household. If you do have sex with others outside of your household, have as few partners as possible and pick partners you trust. Talk about COVID-19 risk factors, just as you would discuss PrEP, condoms, and other safer sex topics. Ask them about COVID-19 before you hook up. o Do they have symptoms or have they had symptoms in the last 14 days? Most people with COVID-19 have symptoms, but asymptomatic spread is possible. Fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath are symptoms to ask about. Note that asking about symptoms is not a perfect way to know whether someone has COVID-19. Have they been diagnosed with COVID-19 using a nasal swab or saliva test? People who have recovered from COVID-19 at least 10 days from the day their symptoms started and who have not had fever for at least three days are likely no longer infectious,” the guide continues.

Orgies are, suffice to say, off the cards for New Yorkers for the foreseeable future. After all, as the document states, “if two is company then three (or more) is definitely a crowd”, and large gatherings of any type aren’t safe during lockdown, with close contact with multiple people to be strenuously avoided. Yankees who simply can’t help themselves are advised to limit the size of their “guest list”, “keep it intimate”, “pick larger, more open, and well-ventilated spaces”, “wear a face covering, avoid kissing, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands” and bring an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

“Take care during sex. Kissing can easily pass the virus. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle of close contacts. Rimming (mouth on anus) might spread the virus. Virus in feces may enter your mouth and could lead to infection. Wear a face covering or mask. Maybe it’s your thing, maybe it’s not, but during COVID-19 wearing a face covering that covers your nose and mouth is a good way to add a layer of protection during sex. Heavy breathing and panting can spread the virus further, and if you or your partner have COVID-19 and don’t know it, a mask can help stop that spread,” the document continues.

​Alternatively, “sexy Zoom parties” by definition remove any and all risk of transmission in a group-play scenario - although they’ll probably be much less fun. However, it’s not all doom and gloom - the closing portion of the guide outlines a number of inventive ways to keep things steamy face-to-face without running the risk of contracting coronavirus.

“Make it a little kinky. Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact. Masturbate together. Use physical distance and face coverings to reduce the risk. Condoms and dental dams can reduce contact with saliva, semen or feces during oral or anal sex. Washing up before and after sex is more important than ever. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Wash sex toys with soap and warm water. Disinfect keyboards and touch screens that you share with others,” the document concludes.