Legendary Bollywood actor Mithun Chakraborty, lovingly called "Jimmy" for his role in the movie "Disco Dancer", has decided not to celebrate his birthday in view of the agonising and untimely death of young Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput who was struggling with depression and allegedly committed suicide.
The 69-year-old actor's name is trending on Twitter as netizens are flooding him with birthday wishes and respect for his decision to skip birthday celebrations during this difficult time.
Asking people to stay at home, Mithun's son Namashi informed the media, "Given the current scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic and the untimely demise of our dear colleague Sushant, this year me and my father have decided to have no celebration on birthday and we urge people to stay safe and stay indoors as much as they can".
However, while heaping Mithun with birthday wishes, Twitterati are also stealing moments of joy and laughter by plucking out iconic and quirky scenes from his movies and turning them into memes for his unconventional stunts and acting.
Lovingly known as "Mithun Da" (Mithun Brother), the actor started his career with the drama "Mrigyaa", for which he won a national award for best actor. However, the highlight of his career remains "Disco Dancer", which was released in 1982 and was a commercial success. The movie's song "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy" was on everyone's mind after release.
While birthdays of such iconic actors kickoff a festive mood in India as people are emotionally attached to Bollywood, the irreversible loss of 34-year-old Sushant Singh Rajput, best known for biopic movie "MS Dhoni: The Untold Story", has left the industry and fans in a sombre mood.
Last month, Bollywood also lost celebrated actors Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan, who died battling cancer.